Apr 2, 2008

Synchronize Firefox plugins

Seconds after my post "Synchronize Ubuntu packages" was published, I was asked how to synchronize the firefox plugins. Ok, here is a quite easy solution to get it done. First you need to install to extensions, FEBE and CLEO. FEBE is used to backup your extensions as installable .xpi files, CLEO create one single .xpi file out of that backup that you can install with the Firefox you want to synchronize. First, after the installation you have define the backup destination folder in FEBE as well as the schedule for the backup. Second you have to define the destination folder for CLEO. I've used:
After the first backup you will find a bunch of .xpi files in your FEBE backup directory. You can already use them to install the .xpi files into your Firefox you want to synchronize. Even easier is to compact all of this .xpi file to single .xpi file with CLEO. Simply go to "Tools --> FEBE --> CLEO --> Create cleopack". That's it, now you have one single .xpi file that you can roll out to all your Firefox installations.


Timo John said...

Yes, nice...
we are getting closer to the solution, but I was more looking for an automated way ... so that you do not have to perform anything later on yourself.

FEBE works well, and is also able do create one big backup if you select whole Profile, which is very handy, cause this also transfers cookies search history etc ...

Thanks for the post, but still a piece is missing.

By the way, did you try flock mean while?

Unknown said...

Check out unison:


This one could be used for automatic distribution. I need to evaluate this tool but read on some sites that it should do the trick. Because of the complexity I would recommend a manual restore first.

BTW., nope didn't check out flock yet (there is no package available in Synaptic, so I'll wait until it's available).