Aug 11, 2007

Final decision, temporarily

After several months of testing I came to the conclusion that all of the tested distributions have an area where it fit best.

For the use as a desktop system, this is my opinion, Ubuntu (based on Debian) is the distribution to choose. Ubuntu is simple, fast and has a clean desktop. Even unexperienced linux users should be able to work with this distribution without much learning effort. From the administration point of view, the distribution has an excellent package management interface called synaptic. If you prefer the command line, you can use apt-get as known from the Debian distribution.

For the use as a server system I currently use FreeBSD. FreeBSD is stable, good documented and has a proper working security management. One big advantage is the long release cycle, which prevents half year upgrades of the whole system. The ports collection helps me to keep the server up to date and tools like portaudit reports insecure applications (critical). All in all a good choice for a server.

Fedora Core is a good technology preview and gives me the opportunity to test things I can’t do with the stable versions. Unfortunately the release cycle is to short for a productive use but to get an impression what is possible and what not, it’s a well designed distribution.

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